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Produkt zum Begriff User Experience UX:

  • Joy of UX, The: User Experience and Interactive Design for Developers
    Joy of UX, The: User Experience and Interactive Design for Developers

    “For years now, I’ve been running around preaching to anyone who’ll listen that UX is something that everybody (not just UX people) needs to be doing. Dave has done an excellent job of explaining what developers need to know about UX, in a complete but compact, easy-to-absorb, and implementable form. Developers, come and get it!” —Steve Krug, author of Don’t Make Me Think! A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability Master User Experience and Interaction Design from the Developer’s PerspectiveFor modern developers, UX expertise is indispensable: Without outstanding user experience, your software will fail. Now, David Platt has written the first and only comprehensive developer’s guide to achieving a world-class user experience.Quality user experience isn’t hard, but it does require developers to think in new ways. The Joy of UX shows you how, with plenty of concrete examples. Firmly grounded in reality, this guide will help you optimize usability and engagement while also coping with difficult technical, schedule, and budget constraints.Platt’s technology-agnostic approach illuminates all the principles, techniques, and best practices you need to build great user experiences for the web, mobile devices, and desktop environments. He covers the entire process, from user personas and stories through wireframes, layouts, and execution. He also addresses key issues—such as telemetry and security—that many other UX guides ignore. You’ll find all the resources and artifacts you need: complete case studies, sample design documents, testing plans, and more. This guide shows you how to Recognize and avoid pitfalls that lead to poor user experiencesLearn the crucial difference between design and mere decorationPut yourself in your users’ shoes—understand what they want (and where, when, and why)Quickly sketch and prototype user interfaces for easy refinementTest your sketches on real users or appropriate surrogatesIntegrate telemetry to capture the best possible usage informationUse analytics to accurately interpret the data you’ve capturedSolve unique experience problems presented by mobile environmentsSecure your app without compromising usability any more than necessary“Polish” your UX to eliminate user effort everywhere you can Register your product at for convenient access to downloads, updates, and corrections as they become available. 

    Preis: 24.6 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Institutionalization of UX: A Step-by-Step Guide to a User Experience Practice
    Institutionalization of UX: A Step-by-Step Guide to a User Experience Practice

    “This book is a great how-to manual for people who want to bring the benefits of improved user experience to their companies. It’s thorough yet still accessible for the smart businessperson. I’ve been working with user-centered design for over twenty years, and I found myself circling tips and tricks.” –Harley Manning, vice president & research director, customer experience, Forrester Research   ”Some argue that the big advances in our impact on user experience will come from better methods or new technologies. Some argue that they will come from earlier involvement in the design and development process. The biggest impact, however, will come as more and more companies realize the benefits of user-centered design and build cultures that embrace it. Eric offers a practical roadmap to get there.” –Arnie Lund, connected experience labs technology leader and human—systems interaction lab manager, GE Global Research   “User experience issues are a key challenge for development of increasingly complex products and services. This book provides much-needed insights to help managers achieve their key objectives and to develop more successful solutions.” –Aaron Marcus, president, Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.   “This handy book should be required reading for any executive champions of change in any development organization making products that demand a compelling user experience. It does an excellent job in laying the foundation for incorporating user experience engineering concepts and best practices into these corporations. In today’s competitive economy, business success will greatly depend on instituting the changes in design methods and thinking that are so clearly and simply put forth in this most practical and useful book.” –Ed Israelski, director, human factors, AbbVie   “If you’re tasked with building a user-experience practice in a large organization, this book is for you (and your boss). Informed by years of case studies and consulting experience, Eric Schaffer provides the long view, clearly describing what to expect, what to avoid, and how to succeed in establishing user-centered principles at your company.” –Pat Malecek, former user experience manager, AVP, CUA, A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.   ”For those of us who have evangelized user experience for so many years, we finally have a book that offers meaningful insights that can only come from years of practical experience in the real world. Here is a wonderful guide for all who wish to make user experience a ‘way of life’ for their companies.” –Feliça Selenko, Ph.D., former principal technical staff member, AT&T   “Dr. Schaffer’s mantra is that the main differentiator for companies of the future will be the ability to build practical, useful, usable, and satisfying user experiences. This is a book that provides the road map necessary to allow your organization to achieve these goals.” –Colin Hynes, president, UX Inc.   Computer hardware no longer provides a competitive edge. Software has become a broadly shared commodity. A new differentiator has emerged in information technology: user experience (UX). Executives recognize that the customer satisfaction that applications and websites provide directly impacts a company’s stock price.   While UX practitioners know how to design usable, engaging applications that create good user experiences, establishing that process on an industrial scale poses critical IT challenges for an organization.   How do you build user-centered design into your culture?What infrastructure do you need in order to make UX design faster, cheaper, and better?How do you create the organizational structure and staffing solution that will support UX design over time? Institutionalization of UX shows how to develop a mature, user-centered design practice within an enterprise. Eric Schaffer guides readers step by step through a solid methodology for institutionalizing UX, providing practical advice on the organizational change, milestones, toolsets, infrastructure, staffing, governance, and long-term operations needed to achieve fully mature UX engineering.   First published in 2004 as Institutionalization of Usability, this new, expanded edition looks beyond the science of usability to the broader, deeper implications of UX: Once customers can use your applications and websites easily, how does your organization ensure that those engagements are satisfying, engaging, and relevant? Contextual innovation expert Apala Lahiri contributes a new chapter on managing cultural differences for international organizations.   Whether you are an executive leading the institutional-ization process, a manager supporting the transition of your organization’s UX practice, or an engineer working on UX issues, this guide will help you build a mature and sustainable practice in UX design.  

    Preis: 22.46 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • A Project Guide to UX Design: For User Experience Designers in the Field or in the Making
    A Project Guide to UX Design: For User Experience Designers in the Field or in the Making

    USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN is the multifaceted discipline of shaping digital products and systems into tools that are both useful and usable. Success as a UX designer extends beyond just knowledge of the latest technologies; it also involves diplomacy, management insight, and a solid grasp of business dynamics. In this updated guide, you'll learn to: Understand various roles in UX design, identify stakeholders, and increase collaboration across teams Define your project's purpose and scope collaboratively, from high-level objectives to fine details Identify the differences between methodologies such as waterfall, agile, and lean UX Delve into qualitative and quantitative user research, and use the data you gather to inform your design decisions Design and prototype applications and systems that prioritize user needs The third edition offers new insights on the Operations (Ops) functions within UX practices, discovery in UX, and collaboration activities for designers and stakeholders. You'll find new information on the many remote methods that can be used to gain important insights about users and on frameworks that help you define the products to create. This guide is a vital resource for anyone looking to stay at the forefront of the ever-changing field of UX design.

    Preis: 35.3 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Designing User Experience
    Designing User Experience

    Designing User Experience presents a comprehensive introduction to the practical issue of creating interactive systems, services and products from a human-centred perspective. It develops the principles and methods of human–computer interaction (HCI) and Interaction Design (ID) to deal with the design of twenty-first-century computing and the demands for improved user experience (UX). It brings together the key theoretical foundations of human experiences when people interact with and through technologies. It explores UX in a wide variety of environments and contexts.

    Preis: 80.14 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie kann UX-Design dabei helfen, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit einer Website zu verbessern? Wie können UX-Design-Prinzipien angewendet werden, um die User Experience auf mobilen Apps zu optimieren?

    UX-Design kann helfen, die Benutzerfreundlichkeit einer Website zu verbessern, indem es die Bedürfnisse und Erwartungen der Nutzer analysiert, eine intuitive Navigation und ein ansprechendes Design erstellt und kontinuierlich Feedback einholt, um Verbesserungen vorzunehmen. Um die User Experience auf mobilen Apps zu optimieren, können UX-Design-Prinzipien wie einfache und klare Gestaltung, schnelle Ladezeiten, benutzerfreundliche Interaktionen und eine konsistente Markenidentität angewendet werden. Durch die Berücksichtigung von UX-Design-Prinzipien können mobile Apps eine positive Nutzererfahrung bieten, die zu einer höheren Zufriedenheit, längeren Verweildauern und einer

  • "Was sind die wichtigsten Elemente für eine gute User Experience (UX) auf einer Webseite oder in einer App?"

    Die wichtigsten Elemente für eine gute User Experience sind eine intuitive Benutzeroberfläche, schnelle Ladezeiten und klare, verständliche Inhalte. Eine ansprechende visuelle Gestaltung, einfache Navigation und eine konsistente Markenidentität tragen ebenfalls zur positiven UX bei. Feedbackmöglichkeiten, Barrierefreiheit und eine responsive Darstellung auf verschiedenen Endgeräten sind weitere wichtige Aspekte für eine gelungene User Experience.

  • Was sind die wichtigsten Unterschiede zwischen UX (User Experience) und UI (User Interface) und wie können sie zusammenarbeiten, um eine optimale Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu gewährleisten?

    Die User Experience (UX) bezieht sich auf die Gesamtheit der Emotionen und Eindrücke, die ein Benutzer bei der Interaktion mit einem Produkt hat, während das User Interface (UI) die spezifischen Elemente und Interaktionsmöglichkeiten umfasst, die der Benutzer auf dem Bildschirm sieht und verwendet. Um eine optimale Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu gewährleisten, müssen UX und UI eng zusammenarbeiten. Die UI-Elemente müssen so gestaltet sein, dass sie die gewünschte UX vermitteln und die Bedürfnisse der Benutzer erfüllen. Eine gute UX kann durch ein ansprechendes UI unterstützt werden, das klare und intuitive Interaktionsmöglichkeiten bietet. Auf der anderen Seite kann ein gut gestaltetes UI die UX verbessern, indem es dem Benutzer eine angenehme und effiziente Interaktion mit dem

  • "Wie kann die User-Experience (UX) einer Website oder einer Anwendung verbessert werden, um die Zufriedenheit der Nutzer zu steigern?"

    Die UX kann verbessert werden, indem man eine benutzerfreundliche Navigation und klare Struktur implementiert. Außerdem sollte man auf schnelle Ladezeiten und responsive Design achten. Feedback der Nutzer einholen und regelmäßig Tests durchführen, um Schwachstellen zu identifizieren und zu beheben.

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für User Experience UX:

  • Content Marketing: Think Like a Publisher - How to Use Content to Market Online and in Social Media
    Content Marketing: Think Like a Publisher - How to Use Content to Market Online and in Social Media

    If you have a website, a blog, or even a Facebook or Twitter presence, you are a publisher. Think like one: build a digital content strategy that embraces words, images and multimedia to systematically enhance consumer engagement and conversion rates. In Content Marketing, world-renowned digital content expert Rebecca Lieb offers all the detailed, actionable guidance you'll need. Lieb guides you through planning what you'll say online, how and where you'll say it, how often you'll communicate, and how you'll measure your effectiveness. She offers practical guidance for "listening" to conversations about your brand, products, and services, responding more effectively, and effectively informing those conversations. You'll learn how to use your digital content strategy to shape marketing, branding, PR, SEO, customer and media relations, blog content, social media initiatives, and of course, your website. Lieb drills down to offer detailed, actionable advice for issues such as choosing distribution channels making sure you don't run out of things to say making your content "findable" promoting two-way dialogue. Using her techniques, you can market far more effectively and personally build loyalty as you inform and entertain customers and reduce or even eliminate advertising costs. Think about it: why buy media when, today, you are the media?

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  • Social Marketing
    Social Marketing

    Social marketing is receiving unprecedented focus and support from government, the private sector and charities internationally. Social marketing attempts to educate people in the hope that they will make ‘informed’(i.e. healthy) choices regarding diet, lifestyle and health related issues. The effective application of social marketing principles can be complex and controversial. Social marketing planning cannot be reduced to a simple set of actions on a checklist; there is no single strategy for success and strategies that have proved successful with one population may not transfer to other populations. This text will explore the complexities involved in researching, planning and implementing effective social marketing programmes, using illustrative cases from both successful and unsuccessful real-world programmes. The authors provide a critical analysis of the origins of social marketing as a concept and of the claims made by its supporters and detractors in order to highlight what social marketing can and cannot achieve.  This is followed by a review of strategic issues that must be considered in developing social marketing programmes, including persuasion resistance, message relevance and message framing.  Key themes included in the text are the impact of cultural factors on health-related behaviours, ethical issues and attitudes as a key factor underlying health-related behaviours. The authors introduce concepts, theories and strategies that will aid the development, testing and implementation of social marketing interventions. The book is suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of business and marketing and those studying modules in social marketing. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

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  • Joy of UX, The: User Experience and Interactive Design for Developers
    Joy of UX, The: User Experience and Interactive Design for Developers

    “For years now, I’ve been running around preaching to anyone who’ll listen that UX is something that everybody (not just UX people) needs to be doing. Dave has done an excellent job of explaining what developers need to know about UX, in a complete but compact, easy-to-absorb, and implementable form. Developers, come and get it!” —Steve Krug, author of Don’t Make Me Think! A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability Master User Experience and Interaction Design from the Developer’s PerspectiveFor modern developers, UX expertise is indispensable: Without outstanding user experience, your software will fail. Now, David Platt has written the first and only comprehensive developer’s guide to achieving a world-class user experience.Quality user experience isn’t hard, but it does require developers to think in new ways. The Joy of UX shows you how, with plenty of concrete examples. Firmly grounded in reality, this guide will help you optimize usability and engagement while also coping with difficult technical, schedule, and budget constraints.Platt’s technology-agnostic approach illuminates all the principles, techniques, and best practices you need to build great user experiences for the web, mobile devices, and desktop environments. He covers the entire process, from user personas and stories through wireframes, layouts, and execution. He also addresses key issues—such as telemetry and security—that many other UX guides ignore. You’ll find all the resources and artifacts you need: complete case studies, sample design documents, testing plans, and more. This guide shows you how to Recognize and avoid pitfalls that lead to poor user experiencesLearn the crucial difference between design and mere decorationPut yourself in your users’ shoes—understand what they want (and where, when, and why)Quickly sketch and prototype user interfaces for easy refinementTest your sketches on real users or appropriate surrogatesIntegrate telemetry to capture the best possible usage informationUse analytics to accurately interpret the data you’ve capturedSolve unique experience problems presented by mobile environmentsSecure your app without compromising usability any more than necessary“Polish” your UX to eliminate user effort everywhere you can Register your product at for convenient access to downloads, updates, and corrections as they become available. 

    Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Institutionalization of UX: A Step-by-Step Guide to a User Experience Practice
    Institutionalization of UX: A Step-by-Step Guide to a User Experience Practice

    “This book is a great how-to manual for people who want to bring the benefits of improved user experience to their companies. It’s thorough yet still accessible for the smart businessperson. I’ve been working with user-centered design for over twenty years, and I found myself circling tips and tricks.” –Harley Manning, vice president & research director, customer experience, Forrester Research   ”Some argue that the big advances in our impact on user experience will come from better methods or new technologies. Some argue that they will come from earlier involvement in the design and development process. The biggest impact, however, will come as more and more companies realize the benefits of user-centered design and build cultures that embrace it. Eric offers a practical roadmap to get there.” –Arnie Lund, connected experience labs technology leader and human—systems interaction lab manager, GE Global Research   “User experience issues are a key challenge for development of increasingly complex products and services. This book provides much-needed insights to help managers achieve their key objectives and to develop more successful solutions.” –Aaron Marcus, president, Aaron Marcus and Associates, Inc.   “This handy book should be required reading for any executive champions of change in any development organization making products that demand a compelling user experience. It does an excellent job in laying the foundation for incorporating user experience engineering concepts and best practices into these corporations. In today’s competitive economy, business success will greatly depend on instituting the changes in design methods and thinking that are so clearly and simply put forth in this most practical and useful book.” –Ed Israelski, director, human factors, AbbVie   “If you’re tasked with building a user-experience practice in a large organization, this book is for you (and your boss). Informed by years of case studies and consulting experience, Eric Schaffer provides the long view, clearly describing what to expect, what to avoid, and how to succeed in establishing user-centered principles at your company.” –Pat Malecek, former user experience manager, AVP, CUA, A.G. Edwards & Sons, Inc.   ”For those of us who have evangelized user experience for so many years, we finally have a book that offers meaningful insights that can only come from years of practical experience in the real world. Here is a wonderful guide for all who wish to make user experience a ‘way of life’ for their companies.” –Feliça Selenko, Ph.D., former principal technical staff member, AT&T   “Dr. Schaffer’s mantra is that the main differentiator for companies of the future will be the ability to build practical, useful, usable, and satisfying user experiences. This is a book that provides the road map necessary to allow your organization to achieve these goals.” –Colin Hynes, president, UX Inc.   Computer hardware no longer provides a competitive edge. Software has become a broadly shared commodity. A new differentiator has emerged in information technology: user experience (UX). Executives recognize that the customer satisfaction that applications and websites provide directly impacts a company’s stock price.   While UX practitioners know how to design usable, engaging applications that create good user experiences, establishing that process on an industrial scale poses critical IT challenges for an organization.   How do you build user-centered design into your culture?What infrastructure do you need in order to make UX design faster, cheaper, and better?How do you create the organizational structure and staffing solution that will support UX design over time? Institutionalization of UX shows how to develop a mature, user-centered design practice within an enterprise. Eric Schaffer guides readers step by step through a solid methodology for institutionalizing UX, providing practical advice on the organizational change, milestones, toolsets, infrastructure, staffing, governance, and long-term operations needed to achieve fully mature UX engineering.   First published in 2004 as Institutionalization of Usability, this new, expanded edition looks beyond the science of usability to the broader, deeper implications of UX: Once customers can use your applications and websites easily, how does your organization ensure that those engagements are satisfying, engaging, and relevant? Contextual innovation expert Apala Lahiri contributes a new chapter on managing cultural differences for international organizations.   Whether you are an executive leading the institutional-ization process, a manager supporting the transition of your organization’s UX practice, or an engineer working on UX issues, this guide will help you build a mature and sustainable practice in UX design.  

    Preis: 29.95 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Wie werde ich User Experience Designer?

    Um User Experience Designer zu werden, solltest du zunächst ein grundlegendes Verständnis für Designprinzipien und Nutzerverhalten entwickeln. Du könntest ein Studium in Design, Informatik, Psychologie oder einem verwandten Bereich absolvieren. Es wäre auch hilfreich, praktische Erfahrungen durch Praktika oder freiberufliche Projekte zu sammeln. Zudem könntest du an Schulungen, Workshops oder Konferenzen teilnehmen, um dein Wissen und deine Fähigkeiten weiter zu verbessern. Letztendlich ist es wichtig, ein Portfolio mit deinen Arbeiten aufzubauen, um potenziellen Arbeitgebern deine Fähigkeiten zu demonstrieren.

  • Wie können Unternehmen ihre SEO-Strategien anpassen, um in den Bereichen Content-Marketing, Webentwicklung und Social-Media-Marketing erfolgreich zu sein?

    Unternehmen können ihre SEO-Strategien anpassen, indem sie hochwertigen und relevanten Content erstellen, der die Bedürfnisse ihrer Zielgruppe anspricht und Mehrwert bietet. Dies kann durch die Integration von Keywords, Optimierung von Meta-Tags und regelmäßige Aktualisierung des Contents erfolgen. In Bezug auf die Webentwicklung sollten Unternehmen sicherstellen, dass ihre Websites benutzerfreundlich, schnell und mobiloptimiert sind, um eine positive Nutzererfahrung zu gewährleisten. Dies kann die Reduzierung der Ladezeiten, die Verbesserung der Navigation und die Implementierung von responsivem Design umfassen. Im Bereich Social-Media-Marketing können Unternehmen ihre SEO-Strategien anpassen, indem sie ihre Präsenz auf verschiedenen Plattformen ausbauen, hochwertige Inhalte teilen und mit ihrer Zielgruppe interagieren. Dies

  • Wie kann Besucherlenkung in den Bereichen Marketing, Webdesign und User Experience eingesetzt werden, um die Conversion-Rate zu steigern und die Benutzererfahrung zu verbessern?

    Besucherlenkung kann im Marketing eingesetzt werden, um gezielte Werbekampagnen zu erstellen, die potenzielle Kunden auf relevante Inhalte lenken und so die Conversion-Rate erhöhen. Im Webdesign kann Besucherlenkung genutzt werden, um eine klare und intuitive Navigation zu schaffen, die Besucher auf wichtige Seiten und Aktionen lenkt, was zu einer verbesserten Benutzererfahrung und höheren Conversion-Raten führt. In der User Experience kann Besucherlenkung verwendet werden, um personalisierte Inhalte und Empfehlungen bereitzustellen, die die Interaktion der Benutzer mit der Website verbessern und letztendlich die Conversion-Rate steigern. Durch die gezielte Lenkung von Besuchern in den Bereichen Marketing, Webdesign und User Experience können Unternehmen ihre Conversion-Raten erhöhen und die Benutzererf

  • Wie lautet der Name des Studiums für UX Design?

    Der Name des Studiums für UX Design kann je nach Hochschule variieren. Es gibt Studiengänge wie "User Experience Design", "Interaction Design", "Interface Design" oder "Digital Design", die sich auf das Thema UX Design spezialisieren. Es ist wichtig, die genauen Inhalte und Schwerpunkte der einzelnen Studiengänge zu vergleichen, um das passende Studium zu finden.

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